Design of a school science dictionary following a top-down and bottom-up approach


14h-16h (visio-conférence seulement)

Présentation invitée : Miriam Buendía-Castro, maître de conférences en Traduction et spécialiste en phraséologie, Universidad de Granada,
“Design of a school science dictionary following a top-down and bottom-up approach”

In recent years, the interest in the English language has grown dramatically, driven largely by the European Union and its desire to consolidate a multilingual society. In Spain, this has resulted in the introduction of bilingual education programmes in many schools, and nowadays about two million children study in an English-Spanish bilingual school in Spain. Bilingual programmes in Spain use the CLIL approach (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The main problem faced by both parents and teachers of subjects taught in a foreign language, such as Science in English, is often the lack of knowledge of specialised English lexis and the limited resources to teach these specialised subjects in English. This project proposes the design of a school science dictionary (English-Spanish) for bilingual primary schools in Spain following both a bottom-up and top-down approach, i.e. the analysis of corpus and dictionaries.