Depuis le 1er janvier 2025 j’ai rejoint le Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (UMR 7110).
Vous trouverez ma page ici.
Professeure de linguistique, UFR Linguistique, Université Paris Cité
Faculty, Dartmouth College, 1997-2012
PhD Linguistics, Cornell University 1997
Research areas
Laboratory phonology; phonetics; speech perception and production
I work at the interface between phonology and phonetics. My main interest is in understanding the relationship between the temporal variability observed in speech and the emergence of phonological structure and phonological representations. Working within the laboratory phonology approach, I rely on experimental studies of speech production and perception to understand how phonotactic complexity emerges. I have been working primarily with data from Georgian and other languages of the Caucasus known for their complex syllable structure. I pursue, in parallel, phonetic and phonological studies of Romanian and other Romance languages, most recently of the extreme variability that can be observed in fluent conversational speech, examining its role in phonological change.
Domaines de recherche
Phonologie de laboratoire ; phonétique; production et perception de la parole
Mes recherches se situent à l’interface de la phonologie et de la phonétique. Je m’intéresse à la relation entre la variabilité temporelle observée dans la parole et l’emergence de la structure et des représentations phonologiques. Dans une approche de phonologie de laboratoire, je me suis appuyée sur des études de production et de perception de séquences consonantiques complexes en attaque de syllabe pour comprendre l’emergence de la complexité phonotactique dans des langues comme le géorgien et autres langues du Caucase bien connues pour leur structure syllabique typologiquement rare. Je continue en parallèle les études sur la phonétique et phonologie du roumain et d’autres langues romanes, récemment pour comprendre à quel point la variabilité extrême qui apparait dans la parole continue joue un rôle dans les changements phonologiques.
- LSRL 53 – 53rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (June 26-30, 2023)
DIPVAR – Digital investigation of phonetic variation: Large-scale multilingual modeling of lenition and fortition. 2022-2025 ANR PI: Ioana Vasilescu (LISN, Paris Saclay); Partners: LISN – Paris Saclay, CLILLAC-ARP – Université de Paris, Université de Lille
From Sound to Discourse: Computer-based modelling of large-scale data to study linguistic change over time – Emergence en recherche IdEX Université de Paris
Articulatory patterns across languages and their implications for the cognitive representations of speech (with Marianne Pouplier; BFHZ – Centre de coopération universitaire franco-bavarois)
- The South Caucasian Chalk Circle – SCCC. Series of conferences on South Caucasian (Kartvelian) languages, launched in 2016 in Paris
Teaching / Enseignements
Undergraduate level / Licence:
Phonologie L3
Graduate level / Niveau Master:
Phonology – 1st semester
Phonological analysis – 2nd semester
Experimental phonology
Speech perception
Topics in phonological theory
PhD dissertations / Thèses encadrées
- Caihong Weng – Variation in the perception and production of non-native speech in a bilingual community (with Alexander Martin)
Zifeng Liu – Tonal speech errors (with Giuseppina Turco)
Juliette Millet (ED 474 FIRE) – Large-scale unsupervised speech models of foreign language speech perception (with Ewan Dunbar) – 2022
Hannah King – Seeing is perceiving: The role of the lips in the production and perception of Anglo-English /r/ (with E. Ferragne) – 2020. Prix de thèse AFCP 2020. Assistant Professor, Études Anglophones, Université Paris Cité
Anqi Liu – Le suffixe rhotique en mandarin : études phonétiques et représentation phonologique dans le cadre de la phonologie articulatoire – 2019
Qianwen Guan – Emerging modes of temporal coordination: Mandarin and non-native consonant clusters – 2019
Anisia Popescu – Temporal organization of liquid consonants in complex syllables: Implications for a dynamic articulatory model of the syllable – 2019
Yumei Sang – Questions de phonétique et phonologie du mongol – 2016
Selected publications
- 2024 Liu, Z., I. Chitoran, G. Turco. Perceptual salience of tonal speech errors. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, 427-431. 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-87
- 2024 Popescu, A. and I. Chitoran. Laterals in simplex vs. complex codas: A comparison of four languages. Proceedings of the 13th International Speech Production Seminar (ISSP 2024), Autrans, May 13-17, 2024
- 2024 Weng, C., A. Martin, I. Chitoran. Sibilant contrast production by bilingual speakers of Quanzhou Southern Min and Mandarin. Proceedings of the 13th International Speech Production Seminar (ISSP 2024), Autrans, May 13-17, 2024
- 2023 Kwon, H. and I. Chitoran. Perception of illusory clusters: The role of native timing Phonetica. ⟨10.1515/phon-2023-2005⟩
- 2023 Weng, C., I. Chitoran, A. Martin. The influence of Quanzhou Southern Min on Mandarin non-sibilant fricative discrimination. JASA Express Letters.
- 2023 Zellou, G., A. Pycha, I. Chitoran. Use of gradient anticipatory nasal coarticulatory cues for lexical perception in French. Journal of Laboratory Phonology 14:1.
- 2023 Zellou, G., I. Chitoran, Z. Zhou. Real-time intelligibility affects the realization of French word-final schwa. Speech Communication.
- 2023 Zellou, G. and I. Chitoran. Lexical competition influences coarticulatory variation in French: comparing competition from nasal and oral vowel minimal pairs. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). doi:
- 2023 Crouch, C., A. Katsika and I. Chitoran. Sonority sequencing and its relationship to articulatory timing in Georgian. Journal of the International Phonetic Association. DOI : 10.1017/S0025100323000026
- 2022 Popescu, A. and I. Chitoran. Linking gestural representations to syllable count judgments: A cross-language test. Journal of Laboratory Phonology 13(1)
- 2022 King, H. and I. Chitoran. Difficult to hear but easy to see: Audio-visual perception of the /r/-/w/ contrast in Anglo-English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- 2022 Crouch, C., A. Katsika, I. Chitoran. Georgian syllables, uncentered? Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2022
- 2022 Pouplier, M., M. Pastätter, P. Hoole, S. Marin, I. Chitoran, T.O. Lentz, A. Kochetov. Language and cluster-specific effects in the timing of onset consonant sequences in seven languages. Journal of Phonetics
- 2020 Pouplier, M., T.O. Lentz, I. Chitoran, P. Hoole. The imitation of coarticulatory timing patterns in consonant clusters for phonotactically familiar and unfamiliar sequences. Journal of Laboratory Phonology 11:1. 1-41
- 2020 Chitoran, I., H. Yoo, G. Turco. Durational effects of boundaries in Italian fricatives. In M. Tiede, D. Whalen, V. Gracco (Eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2020) Haskins Press, New Haven, CT, 118-121
- 2019 Kwon, H. et I. Chitoran. Perception of native consonant clusters with non-native phonetic patterns. Calhoun, Escudero, Tabain, Warren (Eds.) Proceedings of ICPhS 2019, Melbourne, Australia
- 2019 Vasilescu, I., I. Chitoran, M. Adda-Decker, L. Lamel, B. Vieru, O. Niculescu. Studying variation in Romanian: Deletion of the definite article -l in continuous speech. Linguistic Vanguard 5:1. Mouton de Gruyter
- [hal-03127407] Studying variation in Romanian: deletion of the definite article $-l$ in continuous speechpar (Ioana Vasilescu) le août 21, 2024 à 17:59
Studies of variation in continuous speech converge towards the conclusion that in everyday speech, words are often produced with reduced variants: […]
- [hal-04671545] Sibilant contrast production by bilingual speakers of Quanzhou Southern Min and Mandarinpar (Caihong Weng) le août 20, 2024 à 15:28
- [hal-04671544] Laterals in simplex vs. complex syllable codas: a comparison of four languagespar (Anisia Popescu) le août 20, 2024 à 15:25
- [hal-04671541] Perceptual salience of tonal speech errorspar (Zifeng Liu) le août 15, 2024 à 13:20
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