14h-16h (visio-conférence seulement)
Présentation invitée : Melania Cabezas Garcia, Profesora Ayudante Doctora, Department of Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada,
Finding multiword Term Equivalents in Corpora
Translating multiword terms can pose problems at different levels.
First, they need to be correctly identified and understood in the source text with a view to translating them.
However, the answer to these questions cannot always be found in terminological resources such as dictionaries or databases.
Therefore, translators must use other information-rich resources such as corpora.
In order to make the most of them, the diverse corpus query techniques available in current corpus analysis tools must be mastered.
This paper presents a step-by-step protocol that facilitates the comprehension and translation of multiword terms by means of parallel
and comparable corpora.
The procedure is illustrated with English multiword terms, which are translated into French and Spanish.