ALOES 2024 pre-conference workshop
Pre-conference Workshop on Internet Spoken Corpora of English
Thursday 28 March l 2024
14h 15 Adrien Méli the PEASYV pipeline
14h 45 Peter Uhrig (Erlangen) A pipeline for the creation of multimodal corpora from YouTube (zoom presentation)
15h 15 Coffee break
session 2. Hands-on session : Using Python notebooks to stream your data
15h 45 convenant : Steven Coats (University of Oulu)
Participants need to bring their own laptops and to have a Google account as we will use a Google Colaboratory notebook
session 3. Post-processing and corpus curation
17h Steven Coats : CoANZSE/CoANZSE Audio: The Corpus of Australian and New Zealand Spoken English on CLARIN
4. round table and conclusion
17h30 Richard Wright : some extra requirements for corpora : the ATAROS corpus
discussants : Sylvain Navarro (UPCité), Rory Turnbull (Newcastle) & Richard Wright (Seattle)
Participation to the workshop is free of charge, but participants must register
Coming to us: Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, Place Paul Ricoeur 75013 Paris (building 10 on the map)
Room 720 (7th floor)
Ask for a badge at the information desk (“accueil”)
Zoom link:
Accès au bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
- Steven Coats. 2023b. A new corpus of geolocated ASR transcripts from Germany. Language Resources and Evaluation.
- Steven Coats. 2023c. A pipeline for the large-scale acoustic analysis of streamed content. In Proceed– ings of the 10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC- Corpora 2023), page 51–54. Mannheim: Leibniz- Institut für Deutsche Sprache.
- Méli, Adrien, Steven Coats and Nicolas Ballier. (2023). Methods for phonetic scraping of Youtube videos. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2023), 244–249.
- Adrien Méli and Nicolas Ballier. 2023. PEASYV: A procedure to obtain phonetic data from subtitled videos. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pages 3211 – 3215
- Adrien’s presentation:
- Dykes, N., Wilson, A., & Uhrig, P. (2023, September). A Pipeline for the Creation of Multimodal Corpora from YouTube Videos. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Linguistic Insights from and for Multimodal Language Processing (pp. 1-5).
Contact person : Nicolas Ballier
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